Home Servir vos patients partout, tout le temps

Servir vos patients partout, tout le temps

Les gens aiment faire leurs achats où et quand ils le souhaitent. C’est pourquoi il est indispensable, même en tant qu’acteur local, de lier votre emplacement physique à une boutique en ligne.

L’e-commerce n’est plus une option, c’est un must.
Vos produits sont visibles et peuvent être achetés partout, tout le temps.
Possibilité de retrait en pharmacie ou à un distributeur automatique.
Configuration et gestion faciles.
Serve your customers (patients) 24/7 – at home, while travelling and at your premises

People like to shop wherever and whenever they want. It is therefore crucial, also as a local player, to link your physical premises to an online store. Not only will this make you more customer friendly, but it will also boost your sales. Lochting makes it easy to set up this connection and manage all your sales channels on a single platform.

Local business and e-commerce go hand in hand with Lochting

Did you know that your ‘local’ webshop can actually offer better service than many major online players? After all, Lochting makes it possible for customers to order from home and collect the products from your store without queuing. Alternatively, customers can collect their order from your vending machine after hours. Why should customers (patients) wait one day for their products if you can serve them on the same day?

Encourage sales even after closing time

Install a vending machine in a busy location outside your store. This will allow you to enhance your presence, sales, efficiency and customer experience in one fell swoop. There are always products that people need at the last minute. You can even tempt them to buy more with interesting promotions. A vending machine will make life easier for your customers while simultaneously boosting your sales.

Digitalisation in just a few clicks

Lochting makes it very easy to set up your own digital sales channels. We’ve already fully configured all kinds of building blocks for you, from a mobile app to digital screens. All the tools are ready and waiting for you. You can simply start using them right away; the hard work has already been done. Lochting eliminates the need to invest in programming or graphic design. In this way, we help you to save time— and reduce costs.